A fresh batch of end-manifold Water Ring vacuum pump castings, ready for machining on our Okuma MU-500V universal machining centre

These are what a fresh batch of vacuum pump castings look like prior to machining. Machining itself, conveniently, is a straightforward operation. Securing the casting in place, the entire machining process from start to finish then proceeds fully automated through clever tooling and fixture design. Hence, there is no need to manually rotate the part. All four sides are machine accessible.
Consequently, machining and setup times only require sixty minutes or thereabouts each, making the process both fast and efficient. These particular manifolds are of cast iron; and, once machined, will see two immediate uses. Including, in house assembly of Water Ring range of vacuum pumps, and dispatch as spare parts. The three models in this range being: WR1700, WR2400 and WR3200.