Bronze Haast – Cast Eagle.
We recently had the pleasure of working on a bronze casting by the talented sculptor Al Brown from Hokitika. Bronze Haast Eagle head on Matai stand.
Read Industrial run three purpose-built foundries for metal casting; sand casting, also die casting and investment casting. This way we can utilise the most applicable mould making process to suit the job. Such as production runs for the manufacturing and farming industries. Top-end, and high-performance components for marine and aeronautical industries. High-end castings for the health sector, meat, dairy, food, and agricultural industries. As well as one-off castings for sculptured artworks, vintage cars, motorbike parts & traction engines. see more of Al Browns work >>
Bronze Haast Cast Eagle – Fine work from Al Brown.

Bronze Haast Eagle head on Matai stand.

Bronze Haast Eagle head on Matai stand.